Email Privacy
The content of this e-mail, including any attachments is a confidential communication between ARIA Property Group* (or the sender if this email is a private communication) and the intended addressee and is for the sole use of that intended addressee. If you are not the intended addressee, any use, interference with, disclosure or copying of this material is unauthorized and prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error please contact the sender immediately and then delete the message and any attachment(s). There is no warranty that this email is error, virus or defect free. This email is also subject to copyright. No part of it should be reproduced, adapted or communicated without the written consent of the copyright owner. If this is a private communication it does not represent the views of ARIA Property Group*. Please be aware that the contents of any emails sent to or from ARIA Property Group* may be periodically monitored and reviewed.
* A.P.G Co Pty Ltd trading as Aria Property Group. Privacy policy applies to all entities associated with or related to A.P.G Co Pty Ltd.